My role as a manager
As a manager, you contribute not only to the Group’s performance, but you also assure the well-being of your team.
You inspire your employees by your exemplary behavior, and create the trust necessary to encourage their questions : you regularly let your team members know that you are listening to them, reminding them that retaliation against an employee who, in good faith, makes an alert about a possible violation of this Code is not tolerated.

Regarding people under my responsibility
o I make sure that they know and respect the values, principles and prescriptions defined by the Michelin Group, including this Code.
o I point out the content of this Code that is most relevant to their activity.
o I lead by example; by not hesitating, if necessary, to share my questions, or to report inappropriate behavior.
- Accountability: when an employee tells me about an ethical concern, I ask them beforehand if they have used the questioning procedure in the Code. If not, I go through it with them.
- I make sure that they respect the applicable laws and regulations.
- If doubt remains about a situation, I make sure that the experts referenced in this Code are contacted to provide an answer (refer to the section “Whom to Contact” at the end of each page).
- I make sure that no one is subjected to retaliation of any form for reporting in good faith an inappropriate situation or for raising a question.
- I make sure that any ethical concerns or alerts are transmitted to the Ethics Line so that they can be recorded and treated quickly and efficiently.
Protection of whistleblowers
Using the Ethics Line allows you to make an alert anonymously, confidentially and securely.
Even if you are not certain that an alert is appropriate in a given situation, reporting it on the Ethics Line will allow you to learn how the situation is viewed and will help ensure that it is treated appropriately.
No matter what method of alert is used, no one is permitted to take retaliatory action against an employee who, in good faith, has reported a possible violation of this Code, of the law, or of Michelin’s principles and prescriptions.
Any employee who believes they are the subject of retaliation must report it using this same procedure.
More information: Michelin Group Ethics Line.