My role as an employee
By their behavior, each employee is an ambassador of the Group and its values. Adherence to this Code is therefore necessary as much for the individual and collective well-being of everyone in the company as for Michelin’s reputation.
In case of doubt as to what action to take, an employee should refer to this Code.

Do: I must
- Abide by the applicable laws and regulations.
- Abide by the values, principles and prescriptions defined by the Michelin Group.
- Share my questions or make an alert if I encounter a professional situation that does not appear to respect Michelin’s values, the applicable laws and regulations, or this Code, for myself or a colleague. There are several ways that I can make an alert: the Ethics Line, the Personnel Department, the Security Department, the Legal Department, my manager or another manager, the medical officer, or the Region Ethics Correspondent.
- Know and understand the subjects treated in this Code and the recommendations and behaviors to adopt with respect to my work-related activity.
- Share the contents of this Code, in a spirit of respect and dialogue, to contribute actively to well-being at work and to the Group’s performance.
- Use good judgment and common sense when faced with the various situations that could arise, following the values and guiding principles in this Code.
- Be an example by not hesitating to ask questions or to report inappropriate conduct.
If I have a doubt
- If in doubt about what to do, this guide indicates the expected behavior in a certain number of typical situations (“Dos/Don’ts”).
- This Code treats more complex situations, through “Practical Cases”.
- If I cannot find an answer suited to my situation, I consult the specific documents and the experts mentioned after the practical cases.
- For further guidance, I use the tables offered on the Questions page.
- I consult with my manager or with a representative of the Legal Department.
Protection of whistleblowers
Using the Ethics Line allows you to make an alert anonymously, confidentially and securely.
Even if you are not certain that an alert is appropriate in a given situation, reporting it on the Ethics Line will allow you to learn how the situation is viewed and will help ensure that it is treated appropriately.
No matter what method of alert is used, no one is permitted to take retaliatory action against an employee who, in good faith, has reported a possible violation of this Code, of the law, or of Michelin’s principles or prescriptions.
Any employee who believes they are the subject of retaliation must report it using this same procedure.
More information: Michelin Group Ethics Line.