Michelin Code of Ethics
Acting Ethically Every Day
The Code of Ethics applies to all Group employees without exception, as well as to people working on our sites or on behalf of a Group entity, all over the world.
Michelin also encourages its customers, suppliers and other partners to adhere to this Code; in many cases the respect of this Code is made a condition of doing business with the Group.
In terms of ethics, respect of national and international laws is a basic principle for the Group.
This Code reiterates the Group's fundamental values and describes the basic rules to be observed. It indicates the guidelines that should govern the decisions of employees and stakeholders. It specifies the behaviors to adopt in typical situations for each work environment.
Each employee, partner or supplier is called upon to exercise judgment and common sense and to act in good faith when faced with other situations that may arise that are not specifically treated in this Code.
This document is expected to evolve over time. In case of a conflict, the French-language version of this Code on ethique.michelin.com prevails.

A word from the Partners
Our Group is united by its values
Michelin needs the contributions of each and every one of us to meet the challenges posed by our environment, our customers and our markets. Building together the Michelin of tomorrow means first of all coming together around the values of our Group and making a collective commitment to its success.
This commitment must be carried out ethically everywhere and all the time, in order to assure Michelin's sustainability. This responsibility must be assumed by everyone in the Group. Our strategy, our behavior and our business practices must embody this.
This is why Michelin is committed to:
- Frame its business practices through the creation and distribution of foundational documents, such as this Code of Ethics and the Anti-Corruption Code of Practice. Failure to comply with the rules and guidelines issued by the Group may result in liability of employees and expose them to disciplinary sanctions.
- Ensure respect for human rights in all of its activities, and wherever the Group is present.
- Implement policies aimed at reducing the risks associated with the environmental footprint of activities, products and services.
A Code of Ethics to guide you toward the right behaviors
This Code aims to help our employees and partners to adopt appropriate behaviors in relation to certain situations that may present risks for themselves or for Michelin.
This Code
- Reiterates our values and our fundamental guiding principles.
- Tells our employees how to react to the most frequently encountered situations.
- Clearly expresses the behaviors to adopt in line with our values and procedures (“Dos/Don’ts” section).
- Also deals with more complex situations and explains the course of action to be taken (“Practical Cases” section).
- Provides a list of experts to consult in case of doubts ("Whom to contact" section).
- Proposes a list of additional documents to be consulted (“References” section).
Every employee is the ambassador of Michelin's values
Like safety, ethics is everyone's business.
The force and respect of this Code depends on the commitment of each employee, regardless of their title or function. Our individual and collective conduct must conform to the values of the Group. We are all guarantors of the values, reputation, image and heritage that the Michelin Group builds and strengthens over time, to assure the protection of its employees and its sustainability.
Each employee should take the time to read this document carefully and should apply themselves to implementing its precepts on a daily basis.
President of the Michelin Group Partner and Director of Administration and Finance
Ethics Governance and Organization

Missions of the Group Ethics Committee
- Promote an ethical culture
- Assure the Group's commitment to ethics
- Steer the ethics strategy
- Assure the coherence of the Regions’ actions
- Validate the Group's ethics program, including key policies and the actions to be taken to ensure continuous progress