This Code contains strict guiding principles on which the Group does not intend to compromise, concerning behavior At Work, Doing Business and External Interactions.
Note: considering the special nature of the environmental crisis, Michelin has chosen to add an additional dimension to this Code: The Environment. These recommendations are intended to inform and encourage: they aim to help each employee to improve their environmental footprint within the framework of their professional activities. At this time, they are not mandatory rules (except where activity is the subject of an environmental law).

When should I make an alert?
If a Group employee becomes aware of facts that could constitute a possible violation of applicable laws and regulations, of this Code, or of other principles or prescriptions of the Group, they must report them, so that these facts can be investigated and appropriate measures taken to deal with the situation and prevent its recurrence.
Each person who receives an alert must ensure that it is registered in the Ethics Line database, so that it can be investigated and that appropriate measures can be taken to deal with the situation and prevent its recurrence.
See: Questions
Why should I make an alert?
Michelin's continued success depends on the willingness of its employees to conduct their activities with integrity and in full compliance with laws and regulations, as well as with the company's other principles and prescriptions.
Ethical and compliant behavior that reflects the values of our Group is important for employees, customers, shareholders and the Group. Michelin is counting on you to protect the Group's employees, to preserve its reputation and integrity, and protect it from financial and legal damage.
Reporting is also important to inform us of the dilemmas we all face in an increasingly complex environment. This is a way for all of us to learn and progress continuously.
The vigilance of employees and partners is one of the most important levers for detecting violations of this Code. The Group relies on everyone's responsibility to ensure that individual behavior is in accordance with the guiding principles set forth in this Code.
How do I make an alert?
To report a potential violation of applicable laws and regulations, this Code, or of other principles and prescriptions of the Group, the Group has made an Ethics Line available to employees and third parties all over the world, accessible via the Internet or by telephone.
This professional whistleblowing system, hosted and managed by an independent external supplier, enables anyone - employees, partners, customers, suppliers or subcontractors - to report violations of a law or regulation, of this Code, or any situation contrary to the principles and prescriptions of the Group.
In addition to the Ethics Line, several other channels are available to make an alert: employees can also contact the Personnel Department, the Security Department, the Legal Department, their manager or another manager, the company medical officer or the Region Ethics Correspondent.
Confidentiality & Whistleblower Protection
The Ethics Line allows anyone to make an alert anonymously, confidentially and securely.
No matter what method of alert is used, no one is permitted to take retaliatory action against an employee who, in good faith, has reported a possible violation of this Code, of the law, or of Michelin’s principles and prescriptions.
Any person who believes they are the subject of retaliation must report it using this same procedure.
For more information: Michelin Group Ethics Line