Security - Protection of assets
Michelin's ''assets'' include both people and tangible goods, as well as knowledge and know-how. The protection of assets is essential for the future of the Group.
Safety and security are everyone's responsibility.

Guiding Principles
Each employee is responsible within the framework of their duties for the proper use and protection of tangible and intangible assets as well as the resources of the Group.
These include, for example, industrial facilities, equipment, the Group's financial resources as well as trade secrets, patents and trademarks.
- Assets and resources must be used in accordance with the needs of the Group and within a framework set by the various entities.
- Physical assets and documents are classified according to their importance (Level 1 - Major, Level 2 - Severe, Level 3 - Low).
- D1 and D2 information should only be shared with people who “need to know”.
- Managers must demonstrate exemplary conduct.
- Knowledge of security policies and requirements is essential to safeguard the Group's assets.
Security measures
- Laptops should be secured physically using cable locks and logically using Windows + L or CTR/ALT/DEL.
- Employees should classify assets according to their importance in terms of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.
- Employees must encrypt sensitive data (D1 & D2) and dispose of physical assets and electronic information securely.
- Michelin sites use security systems to provide a safe and secure environment:
- Verification of access to the site for authorized persons via electronic access control;
- Use of cameras (where authorized) to identify and investigate incidents;
- Protection of classified zones by alarms.
Do: I must
- Lock my laptop.
- Wear my badge all day.
- Make travel reservations with a travel company approved by the Group.
- Follow all site security procedures.
- Ensure the confidentiality of Michelin information, and adhere to confidentiality commitments that apply to information of third parties.
- Keep in mind that all the Group's assets and documents belong to Michelin.
Don't: I must not
- Leave confidential documents unattended.
- Authorize a person to access secure sites and areas with my badge.
- Leave my laptop unsecured (for example, at my post, in my hotel, in my car, etc.).
- Ignore the rules for the sake of convenience.
- Publish sensitive or confidential information (photos of installations, procedures) on social networks.
- Use the Group's resources for private purposes, except where such use is authorized by a policy of my Region or country.