Social Networks
During their social media activities, employees must ensure that there is no confusion between their opinions or personal interests and the position of the Group.
It is important to be respectful of colleagues, partners, customers and competitors when using social media.
In this context, care in communications on social media is key for Michelin.

Social networks (Facebook, Linkedln, blogs, forums, etc.) give employees the opportunity to express themselves, to learn and to share information with colleagues, customers or partners.
In this context, everyone must act responsibly to preserve the image and reputation of the Group.
Guiding Principles
The "social media" team within the Digital & Social Room/DCEM supervises the use of social networks on behalf of the Michelin Group.
A guide "Social Networks: Best Practices for Employees" is available to guide employees in the use of social networks for private purposes.
When speaking, everyone must protect the Group's reputation, the brand image and avoid disclosing confidential information.
As a reminder: the only people authorized to speak on behalf of Michelin on social networks have been validated in advance by the Communication & Brands Department of each Entity. Please contact the Social Media Manager of your Region/country or the DCEM “Social room” for any questions.
Do: I must
- Configure any personal account with my personal e-mail address.
- Mention that comments are written and posted in a personal capacity and/or only mention personal facts (not professional) in my biography/profile.
- If I post a comment related to Michelin or its activity, even if this comment is made in a personal capacity, specify that I am a Michelin employee.
- Report any false account to the Digital & Social Room/DCEM. The Group is sometimes the victim of identity theft.
Don't: I must not
- Include the Group's logo in my visual identity, to avoid any confusion.
- Include the name of the MICHELIN Group in my username.
- Refer to partners, customers or suppliers without their prior agreement.
- Reveal confidential information that does not belong to me.
Practical case 1
You are working on a new confidential distribution network project. A colleague suggests that you create a group on LinkedIn to exchange and share documents. Is it possible?
No. You refuse because internal Group documents should not be exchanged on social networks. You offer to exchange via the Group's internal tool to facilitate collaborative work.
Practical case 2
You took pictures at the party for the departure of one of your colleagues. You want to publish them on your Facebook page, is this allowed?
No. You must seek permission from the persons concerned to respect the right to their image. For any publication, you should consider the potential risk of damaging your reputation as well as that of other people or entities.